Sunday, February 6, 2011

10 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Server

Ever wonder how a server could benefit your business? LANstar offers you some free computer support information and the reasons why...
Computer ServersBecause you don't want to lose data if something goes wrong – Any reliable computer technician will tell you that backing up data stored on individual computers is not only impractical, it's unreliable. Storing all your data on a server and then backing up all of the data on that server is more likely to work properly without interruption and it is also easier to manage. Even if you decide to back-up via an on-line service, backing up one machine is typically easier and less expensive than backing up multiple computers.
Because you want your data secure – Storing sensitive accounting, human resources, or intellectual property information on your workstation or even an auxiliary storage device does not ensure that the data is restricted and protected. Sever security settings can easily and effectively limit data access to just certain people in the office.
The ability to work from home/remotely – In today's work environment, mobility and accessibility are the name of the game. With a server in your office, you can easily access all of your internal data without incurring the additional monthly cost of a router or remote access program.
Because you are running out of space to store data – Servers offer the flexibility of massive data storage on redundant and fault-tolerant drives. So, even if one of the drives fails, the remaining drives will still contain all of your data.
Because you need/want to use Microsoft Exchange - If you have numerous email addresses and/or you are tired of having to rely on your Email Service Provider to set up or delete email addresses employees come and go, Exchange may save you time and money. Exchange allows you to add, delete, or change all of your own email addresses easily and immediately without any monthly cost to you.
Because you're concerned about viruses and/or spyware on your network – The two ways to keep your computers protected are either to continually and constantly monitor each workstation or to install virus/spyware protection on a server. By using a server, protection updates are automatically downloaded to the server, which is then responsible for ensuring that every workstation connected to the network has the latest protection installed.
Because you have applications all employees must access – The most common way of sharing applications is to install it on one workstation and “share” it with other users. Unfortunately, this will ultimately slow down that user's workstation and limited to the abilities of the application's performance. This can result in poor performance and a great chance of long-term failure.
Because you need to centrally manage all employees/computers – Without a server, each employee can only log onto his/her computer, and when an employee leaves it becomes difficult or impossible to recover the password. With a server, all usernames and passwords are managed from one central location so you can add, delete, and change the access levels and passwords without needing to know the old password.
Because my computers are slow – Two of the most common causes of slow computers are an old processor and insufficient memory. Moving applications to a server can allow a user to take advantage of the improved speed and performance of a server without requiring an upgrade to the workstation. The money saved on workstation upgrades can quickly eclipse the entire cost of a new server.
Because I need a domain – A domain is the way by which a server tells every network computer which devices are supposed to be on the network and which therefore be trusted. All devices that are part of a domain are registered with the server to that it knows to allow access and and from certain domain devices. A domain is often required by many centralized database applications so that the server can properly communicate with each workstation, but it is also another valuable layer of security.

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